…And Make Them Happen Instead.
For the past year, I dreamt of being a writer. I wrote hundreds of pages in a journal with my deepest feelings, thoughts and ideas and afterwards, I put away the journal and I dreamt.
I dreamt that one day I’d become a writer, and I waited and waited for someone like you to discover that journal.
But to my surprise, you never came. If only I knew the truth long ago:
That permission to be a writer isn’t given, it’s taken.
Looking back, my greatest fear was believing that if you actually discovered me, you’d think of me differently. Maybe you’d think I was something less than perfect.
And that fear still hasn’t gone away. In fact, it’s stronger than ever. I still wonder what you’ll think of me.
It’s just that I now choose to act on the fear differently.
It turns out that facing the fear doesn’t need me to be anything different from who I am, it only requires that I show up.
So instead of putting away that journal and dreaming away my dreams, I show up. I share my thoughts, feelings, and ideas. I put myself out into the public. In doing so, I try to make others think about happiness, fulfillment and lifestyle.
I’m only a writer because I’ve chosen it and I show up.
We may never conquer our fears, but our fears can surely conquer us. The more we show up, the less power we give to fear and the more our dreams become our reality.
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If you haven’t read it yet, check out this post about my medium post on being a realist.
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