I’m extremely pleased to release this truth-telling, marathon-of-a-podcast featuring two of my closest college fraternity brothers and present-day homies, Bradley Lovell (@wake.shake.roll) and Alex Skold (@skoldblooded). This episode gets better and better as it goes along and those who stick around until the end will be greatly rewarded.
We spend the first hour of the podcast in disagreement while attempting to sync up, a somewhat frustrating display of poor communication skills on all ends until Alex had to dip. From there, Bradley and I proceed onward, analyzing what went wrong, then dive into sharing deeply personal stories about relationships, integrating the shadow, and important lessons learned over these past few years. It’s a showcase of vulnerability and honesty between friends, and a fascinating self-study of the great difficulties and great rewards of communication and connection. Strap in and enjoy the ride.
Watch on YouTube:
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Stream the episode:
This episode is brought to you by the kind folks accessing the exclusive audio, video, and writing content via my Patreon page. It’s everything I’m too embarrassed to put on the main feed. 🙂

✨Connect to the Guests✨
Instagram (Bradley): @wake.shake.roll
Instagram (Alex): @skoldblooded
🙏Special thanks to Patrons🙏
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✌️Connect with me, David✌️
Instagram: @stay.in.alive
Facebook: @thinkdavidsmart
Read my memoir: The Trail Provides
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